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Yes, MEETsuPlus Foundation is Registered Charity Organization with Government of Canada.

Although the problem is huge, everyone’s little contribution will add up to become huge amount that can be invested to carry out the cause to support of child's sports, growth, education and other areas where child can success in the life

At this tiem you can e-transfer your fund to us vie interac e-transfer at .

MEETsuPlus Foundation is a registered charity with Government of Canada. Helping child to improve and succed in theie area of sports, education and many others

Our team comprises the experts of different backgrounds, including economist, marketing strategist, health care business, Journalist, financial management and others. They first scrutinize every aspect of the project and after finding it suitable, they start working on it.

There are thousands of people, who make contribution in our projects. Therefore, it is not easy for us to prepare report regarding particular individual that comprises where his money is used. But, you can see the financial report on our website.

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