Code of Conduct

MEETsuPlus Foundation


The members of MEETsu Plus Foundation share a common commitment through this statement of ethical practices to promote the highest possible standards of professional conduct. All members of MEETsu Plus Foundation undertake the following:

  • To abide by all applicable laws, statutory & voluntary codes and regulations.
  • To maintain the highest levels of good governance, best practice fundraising, transparent financial reporting and support the development of these three industry standards.
  • To provide a safe working environment for staff and volunteers.
  • To present charitable services honestly without misrepresentation.
  • To respect all intellectual property rights.
  • To provide fair and responsive service to donors and beneficiaries in accordance to the organization’s charitable purpose.
  • To refrain from discriminatory practices.
  • To share knowledge, expertise and skills to advance the sector while respecting the confidentiality of donors, beneficiaries and associates.
  • To support the membership association by taking an active role in Charities Institute Ireland activities and promoting the association to the sector.

This Code of Conduct is a guideline and does not represent the entire scope of good conduct and ethical behavior. Acceptance of and adherence to this Code is a condition of membership.